And the only thing between our desire for pleasure and its fulfillment is a thinning wallet
The modern economy is a major contributor to this problem and one of the reasons it was not considered in the debate over climate change because the solutions to the problem simply haven't come along yet to meet the challenge. And that's a shame because if we look at the way things are going it won't be long before we run smack into an ecological catastrophe, with no effective solutions to deal with it short of a major transformation in economic structure away from consumer based economy, one dependent on the use of finite natural resources and other inputs.
To do this requires a combination of political and economic courage and change. But no, we don't seem to have much either. We are paralyzed by fear or apathy. And of course our politicians know that this is a problem, but the only thing they are prepared to do about it is to blame the other guy. Our children will suffer, and their suffering will result in some serious damage to future quality of life. We as a society have already destroyed its habitat, polluted its air and poisoned its rivers and lakes. It is high time that we as citizens did more than talk tough. We have to take the bull by the horns, and it won't be easy! There is no easy solution and a quick fix is simply not available.
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I think the best we can do is to start working on our own little piece of the puzzle, right at our place, where we can feel the effect of our changes and try to avoid damaging other people's. As they say "Actions speak louder than words" and it begins with a personal commitment to do what we can to reduce our impact on the climate change. The easiest way to start is to use my training jump rope at home or in the park around the corner and not pollute the environment by taking the car to the gym. But I also could ride the bike to the gym though.